A few months back Russell Davies emailed and asked if I’d be interested in occasionally meeting up with other people who run small businesses for a bit of mutual aid and support. I replied and said that every now and then there was nothing I liked more than a good natter about accounting. Well what with one thing and another (and Newspaper Club being incredibly successful), Russell has been a bit busy so I thought I’d resurrect the idea.
Here’s the blurb:
Accountancy Club meets up for lunch at 1pm on the last Friday of each month in Bethnal Green to talk about running small organisations. It’s for people who never thought they’d have to deal with HMRC or Companies House forms and is a chance to share what we’ve learned with one another. There won’t be any of that ‘leadership’ or ‘changing the world’ gubbins, just practical stuff and a good sandwich.
If you’re interested send me an email (paul[at]paulmiller.org). We’ve only got space for 12 people I’m afraid so it will have to be first come first served.